AAMA Cosmetology Academy Hong Kong and Beijing were founded by Ms. Linda Yip in Hong Kong in 2017, and is an accredited assessment organisation approved by the VTCT & iTEC of the UK's market-leading specialist vocational and technical Awarding Organisation (AO) and End-Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO).
AAMA has a strong team of educators and strength, with a perfect location, innovative teaching equipment, and comfortable learning space. AAMA works closely with many famous international and Asian hairdressing academies, industry organizations, product companies, and universities to provide learners with a global exchange platform to further learn and achieve their career goals.
AAMA is the only educational organisation in Hong Kong to be accredited with ISO 21000:2018 International Management System Certification.
Certificate registration no.: 50150196 EO18
AAMA亞克瑪研習中心香港及北京研習中心由葉惠敏女士於2017年香港創辦,是英國專業職業技術證書頒發機構(AO)和最終考評機構(EPAO)的VTCT & iTEC批准成立的認證考評機構。
AAMA亞克瑪擁有強大的國際教師團隊和國際專業教育資源,校區所在地理位置優越,教學設備和學習空間充滿現代時尚感。 與眾多國際美髮美容學校,行業權威組織,國際產品公司等機構緊密合作,為學員提供一個國際交流平台,主導學員做好職涯規劃,讓學員可以更好地實現職涯目標。
AAMA亞克瑪美髮學院是香港唯一獲得ISO 21000:2018國際管理系統認證的教育機構。
證書註冊號碼:50150196 EO18
AAMA Cosmetology Academy
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